Thursday, 19 December 2013

Custom Firmware: RM- 807 Nokia 808 Awakeninh 9 Belle Updated Anew

N808 RM-807 113.010.1508 Belle FP2 Awakening 9 By M4C35 [08.18.13 !UPDATE!]

The Nokia 808 CFW RM-807_113.010.1508_04.01_Euro3 Belle fw-FP2 version is built.

Use Only the Phoenix_Service_Software_2012.24.000.48366 or Phoenix Service Software 2012.16.004.48159

Awakening 9 Release

The changes:

- Integrated into the BelleRefresh photo and video editor andre added VideoProLBL.
- Fixed the 999-day Log history.
- The default browser cache withoutbug in E: \ . (amended. dll)
- Hard reset after flash and automatically install all updates, widgets, and C: \ drive.
- Many widget has the ROM.
- All the MIF file to E:\ Resource \ Apps folder, making it easy to exchange!
- Transparent Dark theme with Dark Anna icons (by Me).
- Integrated backup / restore, which saves and restores some of the settings and the C: \ drive to the E: \ Backup \ folder!
- Integrated Commander, which is C: \ CMD \ CMD.m4 file used for creating (new MiniCMD with install feature).
- Integrated MiniCMD.
- Awakening folder on the x-plore similar programs.
- QTPopUpFader banned along with other notifications.
- JB Android system sounds, Nokia_2013's brand new ringtones, sms, email, calendar and alarm sounds added!
- Splashscreen.mif (by arnab222) in C: \ resource \ apps folder in place!
- Predictive text messages and expanded and moved to E: \ away.
- Funds revised firmware.
- 661.5 MB of free space on drive C to start. (After the update and restore data to ~ 450-500 MB.)
- Darker Jolla Sailfish and Glass combined Xentro12 widget pack by Kang and Shao.

Download the (Base files), then the appropriate language from the rofs2 and uda!
After flash when the phone restarts, follow the instructions that you give!
Set this profile to your phone. but it will not start again until you do not install anything!

Download the Maps updates (supported by all Nokia language included!)

Awakening 9

En/Dutsch, En/Hungary, En/Chinese, En/Hong Kong Chinese, En/Ukrainian, En/Polish, En/ LatinAmerican Spanish, En/ Arabic, En/ Vietnamese, En/ Czech, En/ Slowak, En/Hindi, En/ Turkish, En/ American English, En/ Finnish, En/ Spanish

I made a non-binding version.
Fixed a few annoying bugs.

Awakening 8.4.1 Exclusive

- Removed all Updates (Bugly)
- Added Only Camera updates!
- Removed Folder Menu Layout (Download abd install, when you like this)
- Fixed InternetRadio Bug
- Fixed Keypad bug
- Removed WeatherPublisher mod (Fixed Weather update)


Belle Awakening 8.4 Feature Pack 2

The update arrived.

Enhancements and Changes:

Language Support: En/Hun, En/Chinese, En/Hong-Kong Chinese, En/Vietnamese, En/Arabic, En/Spanish, En/Turkidh, En/Polish, En/Slovakian, En/Aemrican English(with wifi tethering mod), English/Ukranian, En/Czech, En/Hindi, En/Danish, En/Latin American Spanish,

- Rp+ autostart bug fixed and moved to C:
- MiniCMD added to rom
- Wifi Tethering mod yet only the American English Vezion (Thank's to huellif and The_one89)
- New Jolla Effect(slightly changed due to the disruption)
- Modified R1_Mobile_4_0_Factory Config (Improved Video Rebuffer)
- WeatherPublisher mod
- aknspasrv mod
- eikcoctl mod
- Wp8 Conversation
- Cian Togle Pack by Xratola
- Lumia Keyboard By arnab222
- Cian Avkon by ZulyD
- WP8 Walpaper
- Replaced all Wallpaper, Audio and many AvkonSystem Sound to the WP8
- New Default Theme (Awakening Blue by Me)
- New MenuLayout by Me(original ikon Layout with Windows8 Ikons)
- Improved Camer and Voice Recorder
- New Splashscreen by Me
- Cleaned UDA
- Some Update integrated and more: C\awak\*
The system will start in one main screen. The Stratup and Shutdown Sound and Images placed in C \ Data \ Animations folder.
Awakening the original 4x5 menu structure to restore deleted from the C \ sys \ bin \ menurenderer.dll. Attention! If you reorder the icons hanging on each other!

Titaner: You can find the name on the archive candidate for core.fpsx was.
Just replace that shown in the and Flash.

Download Link

The files are frissíteve because the ID3 editing error corrected.
Download the Awakening Blue Base and Base_UDA files as well as your Language Rofs2 file and Using Flash DeadPhone mode!
Do not confuse with the previous version, this will cause an error!

More languages ​​will prepare required! Just let us know me!

Note: Other files for CFW or OFW do not shuffle the Awakening because it is uniquely partitioned!



Base files:
1. Normal version
2. All Game compatible version
3. "Game" version Without WewtherPublisher mod

Error: Due to the great icons of the Theme Blue WP8 phones stutter.
Remove: You must delete the following:
C \ sys \ bin \ menurenderer.dll
C: \ private \ 200113dd \ content \ matrixmenudata.xml
And restart.

or Download:
- Original 4x5 MenuLayout
- Original 3x4 MenuLayout
Change another Theme, Install .sis file and restart Phone!

- or Restore the New Blue MenuLayout]or Restore the New Blue MenuLayout

Awakening 8.3

Been uploaded 2 new language packs available on request.

Make a backup of your phone using the phone's data. About files and the settings to NOT because they can cause errors to restore them!
Then delete the sys, system, private, resource folders to E: \ and F: \ drives!

Thank you: Nokia, Marco Bellini, Strategist, Chris Joshlog, iExtrax7, Coderus, dcdarbar, nicesoni_ash, syarmwawa, SkullATOS, iChris701, carpenter_s_son, Shahspik, joe3, freaxs_r_us, huellif, The_one89, M4C35

Hello friends!
Since 8.1 was in some annoying errors, sometimes the phone is broken, the system was unstable at times a lot improve aid, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile connection errors are often thrown and I had a lot of "Memory full" error message, I re-cooked and improved the CPU / GPU, memory performance.
Transparent so more can I download the language pack for CFW is also divided.

Described in detail here:

Language Area 1 Language Area 2 Language Area 3 Languages Area 4

25 Czech 01,d English 01,d English 01,d English
01,d English 230 Hindi 230 Hindi 13 Portugese
03 German 18 Nederland 04 Spanish 37 Arabic
17 Hungary 04 Spanish 14 Turkish 76 Brazilian Portugese
27 Polish 14 Turkish 07 Danish
78 Romanian
26 Slowak

Language Area 5 Language Area 6
01,d English 01,d English
96 Vietnamese 02 French
03 German
04 Spanish

The course changes each pack contains same way, only the languages ​​differ!
ROFS2 Language Pack and the two in the original file, it is a separate download Smiley Pack below!
If needed, further expanding its languages​​, just ask for it!

I fixed the BT problem and uploaded the improved Core fil!
This file is Compatible ALL Language Version!!!

Awakening 8.3

-Space on C:\597MB
Integrated Updates:
-Colorizit2 Removed!
-Compatibility Fix
-QT In App Analitics
-QT PopUp Fader
-QT Webkit 4.8.2.
-WIFI Update

Added SmartInstaller to C:\more\
-Colorizit Removed!
-Nokia Big Screen
-Nokia Music

-Added some widget: Clock, Calendar, textClock, AppLauncher, data counter, etc
-Remove USB Popups
-All Camera and Gallery Update
-Disable sms DeliveryReport Note
-Sound Improvement 3.5 Patch added
-AkncapServer mod Readded (Save Dial Pad)
-USB OTG Suite
-Eikcotl mod (Remove the Copy to Clipboard Note)
-No Offline Queries
-Notifier Killer
-RomPatcher FP2
-Custome EQ editor mod added
-Disable Active Diverts Note
-Disable NFC by Default
-short multitap
- popup fader
- predic input moved to E
-WebSearch Icon added
-Theme effects default off, moved to E:\Effects and switcher mod added to Themes menu

Awakening 8.2

- Repartitioned files :Base uda 600+ Mb, FullCleaned uda 714+MB!
- Editable Equalizer and Metadata mod Update
- Unlimited sms sending
- Meego Style Message Conversation
- Notification PopUp Disabled
- New Start Page By me
- Added 12 new EQ Preset's
- Some Widget added to N900 Black Font
- Apps Full Shutdown
- Sms moved to Drive E:\
- Semi Transparent Calendar Widget
- Tap to Unlock Mod Improved
- Animations folder added to Drive c:\data\Animations\ (tartup and Shutdown Animations and Sound)
- Added my Chaos Ringtone call effect
- Added More Free Apps and Updates:
- X-Plore 1.58 Free Trial
- Tweak's(Latest)
- Siseditor
- QuickLock
- Nfc Chat
- App Stop Free
- The system opens the mif's
- Added New Python Script Shell
- Added Clock and Profile Widget
- AddedFree Sis editor
- Added Nokia NFC Chat
- Added WLAN UTILITIES Improvements
- Colorizit Removed!
- Coloriziz2 Removed!
- DialPad Free
- FacebookShare
- FlickrPlugins
- GooglePlugins
- NokiaBigsreen 10.03(2)
- OvistoreClientUpdate
- QtWebkit
- RenRen Plugin Nokia
- Share FW
- SinaPlugins
- SIP VOIP 3.1 Settings Symbian 3 v1.0 en
- StoreInstaller tb92 PROD 3 89711.30.018
- Theme effect Load E:\effects
- TwitterPlugins
- Free Nokia YouTube Downloader Installer 210719
- Added BetaLabs Wlan.pdd Wifi Improvement
- Added BigClock Improvement in Czech, Farsi, Hungarian or Norwegian languages.

- Voice recording set High quality snd recerd to drive E:\
- Usb_Otg mod added(removed Popup)
- When Phone First Start Net and Wifi Offed
- Dolby default On
- Modified swipolicy.ini by Me
- Fixed a bug in the Bluetooth and WLAN (Sysap.exe)
- Fixed a memory problem (a larger heap size!)

- AknCapServer mod: -Fast-calling Task List, When Entering menu button for one half second.
-Saving clipboard text after rebooting phone.

- The Class Toggle v2 by Shahspik
- Sysap 1.4 mod: (Edit 1.2 updated to 1.4!)
-FMTX Popups disabled for All Installed languages
-Bt disabling on offline profile switch disabled. Thanks to iExtraX7's original Patch.
-Bluetooth Connectivity bug fixed.
-Connection popup bug fix on 808.
-New feature on SMSS.DLL to unlimited retries of sms sending in-case sms sending fails due to low network.

- Avkon2 Lumia Edition
- Deleted the unnecessary application mounts (the folder is uploaded, you just need to copy the C:\, reboot the phone and can be used)
-Adobe Reader
-Bounce Boing Battle
-JuikuSpot Liht Engine and App
-Microsoft Apps: Lync, Shared, Communicator, Shared
-Psiloc World Traveler
-Quick Office
-Vlingo Voice

- Enable full Flash(webbrowser)
- New homepage(webbrowser)
- Maximum number of Recent URLs shown in the pop up list 10(webbrowser)
- More ram for apps
- Incresed heap size and reduced app closing delay
- Tactile feadback on calls improved lite By Me
- Charging led red, when the charg is complet, led is blink-blink Exclusive By Me
- Improved screensaver rotation mode

- Browser chache moved to drive E:
- System cache moved to E: Exclusive
- AlarmClock Screensaver
- New sysapp mods:
-Disable Charger notes.
-Disable PSM notes.
-Disabled volume damage popup in music player.
-Long press power button reboot ( big thanks to Somin.m? / wadowice for this )
-Disabled Active diverts Note (All Installed Languages )
-Disabled connection error PopUp. (All Installed Languages )
-Disable Site Query PopUp.
-Disable PSM auto Switch.

- startup screen and sound moved to drive C:\data\Animations
- Music Player, Slide Show, Animation, Anna, AlarmCLock screensavers added
- Pure Harmatttan Font FP2
- Rompatcher+ fp2 (all patches Belle) automatically starts
- Startup screen modded By Me
- Editable 4x5 menu, added more folder, sub folder and rename all event
- Revised Start Page, Profile, fm transmitter, startup and display up to 100, and can be all deleted!
- Modified widget pack
- Added Mini Closk and Mini Contact Widget
- Nokia keypad of their five-page symbol options
- Call waiting and call time display is activated
- Added Anna Notification's Widget
- Added New ContactGroup Widget
- Keylock 0 seconds
- Call waiting is activated
- When answering quiver and demolition
- Message Delivery Report enabled
- Sms full character support is enabled
- Notify pop-ups blocked
- Registration and registration Ovi sms blocked
- Accelerated Kinetic Scrolling
- Accelerated Screen Rotation
- CPU and GPU accelerated(v2 by Me), and optimized for the kinetic scrolling and theeme effects
- Rotated ScreenSaver
- Memory card icon is activated
- Extra icons in the Power menu (Speaker of the sysap.exe quieter, so the correct patch added)
- After restarting, the download will continue
- Send protected files the original Filebrowser
- Nokia accelerated keyboard input
- All the emoticons on your keyboard (browser, etc ...)
- Rom Hack
- Summary after call-off
- System show the .mif files
- By default, the screen saver off
- Boot: Calendar, Clock, Messaging, Phonebook will not start
- The system starts 1 piece screen
- Theme Effect Moved to E:\effects

Z: \ data \ mods \ folder contains: original eq presets, Joshlog 808 Base Patch (+ Original .MIFs), MENU MOD 3X4, Only Copy Paste to drive C: !

known bug:
- Metadaeditor not Work.

Full Clean Uda improved the files because some registry files left app ..
They have been removed, and only in those areas include language files.


I uploaded a music player update, which is the Metadata contains edit mode and


1. In your phone, make a backup of the file manager as contacts, messages, bookmarks and

Calendar events.

2. Download the file, unzip it and copy the Phoenix \ Products \ RM-807 folder.
Copy it to the rest of FW files except the old Rofs3!

3. Connect your phone to NokiaSuite mode.
Start the Phoenix, choose the USB connection, and then File-> Scan Product, when

finished, you can click on the Flash-> Firmwareupdate, you should select the firmware,

click Options, and delete the EMMC file and click OK.
Then click on UPDATE!

If everything is successful, then the phone settings before the update, start keeping!
Now you can enjoy even bigger freedom it provides for Symbian

M4C35 Yours!

MusicPlayer Update Awakening 8.2

I fixed the BT problem and uploaded the improved Core fil!
This file is Compatible ALL Language Version!!!
BT Fixed Core Awakening 8.2
MusicPlayer UpdateAwakening 8.2

Awakening 8.3 Language Area 6 Base Files, Full Cleaned UDA Update 12.03.23.
Awakening 8.3 Language Area 5 Base files, Full cleaned UDA and Update 12.03.23.
Awakening 8.3 Language Area 4 with Base files, Full Cleaned Uda Update 12.03.23.
Awakening 8.3 Language Area 3 with Base Files, Full Cleane Uda Update 12.03.23.
Awakening 8.3 Language Area2 with Base files, Full Cleaned Uda Update 12.03.23.
Awakening 8.3 Language Area 1 with base file, full cleaned UDA Update 12.03.23.

///Review of previous versions and download links:

Download Turkish Verzion
Hindi Version
v7 and 8.1 ChangeLog

The reverse version is just the reverse Rofs2 and UDA files included!
The rest, Core, Rofs3, etc. use the basic version!\\\


Thank You... Happy Flashing...

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