Thursday, 11 April 2013

Custom Firmware: RM- 697 Nokia C5-03 OFW Reinvented Belle Shell Beta

Nokia c5 03 RM 697 - OFW ReInvEnteD -Belle Shell^beta !!!!!

note : this CFW replaces default homescreen and menu with BELLE SHELL.
since belle shell is a paid app you will have to BUY IT FROM HERE

*well all usual bla bla........... stuff like ram cache change, gui acceleration , edited starters, smooth KS etc etc are present(not all though as you can simply add many of those cenrep mods to c:\ and restart for them to take effect)

*no belle navi bar/tsunami/tornado/flash live hs and all - who needs that when gorgeous belle shell is present  after all you can install them on your own too
*OFW - feel - unlike most other cfw's I've kept everything clean (partly because am lazy  ) - splash screens,start-up/shutdown tones animations - are all original Nokia ones itself  not even my name 
*RAM: 40 mb with belle shell / 55 mb without it
other features:
the home screen (ailaunch.exe) can now be terminated without it restarting.
belle shell can be terminated anytime you want (though integrated with auto-start  and can use other homescreen types(basic,contacts bar etc) for running heavy apps

integareted apps:
>not much : jbak,rompatcher and dialer only !!!

special thanks to:
Team Phoenix: shivam94,pavan061994,ngoanrazor,lrajesh555,Devilking,edios,ankursmooth, Destroyzer,mayankgarg,Die2mrw007 (Special Thanx Who Give Us Platform To Develope This),Tintinboss,5233user,NikShip
also thanks to :
Gizmolord(Die2mrw007),Daily Mobile Forum,All DM modders,pnht,coderus,II.socio and many othersheartiest thanks to : 
QT developer Ilko Tsenov(belle shell creator)

screens ( these are usual belle shell screens  and this is how the cfw looks )

procedure: since belle shell is a paid app - i cannot integrate it - so you'll have to BUY IT FROM HERE and do it yourself using the following guide.

tools required:nokia cooker 2.9

*calibrating core :
>download OFW using navifirm
>drag the **_prd.COO(core file) to nokia cooker(or open it using nokia cooker)
>you will see unlock rofs options at the top of nokia cooker - click it -change all the 2B's to 2C's and click OK
>click save firmware option in nokia cooker.

*integrating belle shell
>open the rofs 2 i've provided(not the OFW rofs2 !!!) in belle shell
>go to pnht/c folder
>drag the belleshell.sisx file you've bought from nokia store to the cooker i.e, you should place it in pnht/c folder
>click save firmware

>now flash with the repacked rofs2,core and rofs3(that i've provided) !!!!
plenty of flashing tutorials are avilable across our forums - use any of those - just remember to click options in phoenix flashing menu and delete - OFW - core,rofs2 and rofs 3 and replace them with the core,rofs(you've made with above procedures) and rofs3 i provided
things to do after flash :
>when the device starts after flashing - wait for sometime at the screen asking for time - then you'll see a notification -'3 apps installed - phone will restart' click OK and the phone will restart with belle shell
>after the phone reboots and ebters the belle shell pressing menu key will launch jbak taskman quick launch - you can customise it the way you like for quick launching of apps
>go to belle shell menu (not by pressing the menu key !!! but by using onscreen belle shell menu option) then select jbaK taskman
remove 'homescreen' using jbak menu - this will free almost 5 mb of RAM !!!

what if you need to switch to other hs ??
ans:simple , exit belle shell and start home screen menu using jbak (you need to start them manually only if you've removed them manually to save RAM - otherwise it'll be there)

Recommendations :
>belle shell is cool for showing to your friends but it eats battery (about 7-8 % battery life) so i recommend you turn it OFF at times when you don't need it (like at night).
>support belle shell developer - he has not given up yet !!!!  - a new version with most of the coding ported back to c++ for lesser ram usage and better/more widgets is in the making.

RM697-rofs2androfs3:here (just 17.4mb !!!)

how to flash :
#open the products folder in phoenix's directory (where you've installed phoenix )
#place rm 697 folder downloaded from navifirm in there
#open phoenix - file -open product - them select rm 697
#then select flashing- fw update - rm 697 (with whatever product code )
#now tick dead phone usb flashing
#click options - delete -core,rofs2 and rofs3
#click add - browse to folder where the calibrated core is placed select it ,type :image ,tick backup/refurbish ,OK
#again select add and browse to folder where the rofs2 (that we cooked a little earlier with Nokia cooker) is present, select it , type: PPM,tick backup/restore
#add the rofs3 provided in the download similarly with type : PPM, backup/restore ticked
# click refurbish and follow on screen instructions

NOTE: After the phone boots ,like mentioned earlier, wait a few minutes at the screen asking for time so that belle shell gets installed - then you are good to go :

Thanks... Happy Flashing...

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