Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Custom Firmware: RM- 675 Nokia C7 Delight Belle by nicesoni Updated
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6:48:00 pm
Anna-Belle CFWs
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
phone performance
C7 - PR3 - Delight Belle by nicesoni_ash - v5.2 released on 06.04.2012
-439+ MB free in C drive after flashing.
-EmulOFF v1.00 in CORE (Can be removed).
-RomPatcher+ 3.1 (Can be removed from application manager)
-Nokia Maps Suite v2.0 v3.00(95) (Only in English version)
-Check-In added as an extra component with Latest Maps.(It's not available in latest Nokia Maps) (Only in English version).
-New Mail application from Microsoft Business Apps bundle.
-Backup and Restore. A separate document is available for more explanation about it.
-New tool called Delight Resolver that will help you to sort out minor/major problems yourself. (It will also gives you an option to backup your registry so once you hard reset or flash your handset, your apps in E drive won't be gone). A separate document is available for more explanation about it.
-Guardian app (Free Edition) in CORE. Protection from removing it after a restart or even after a hard reset (called shadow copying, not available in official release). Also disabled checking for updates after 15 days (Restriction in Free Edition in official version) - For more info, check FAQ.
-Photo Editor and Video Editor (Moved to rofs)
-Nokia Ovi Maps (Moved to rofs)
-Shazam removed.
-Youtube Launcher removed.
-Topapps removed.
-Microsoft Communicator removed.
-Default Big screensaver changed if you set your clock in Digital mode.
-New Animation Screensaver (to set Gif as Screensaver) from Anna by Lovelas
-New Slide Animation Screensaver from Anna by L0VELAS.
-New B&W Music Player Screensaver from Anna by L0VELAS.
-LanternSoft AlarmClock Screensaver v1.00(0) in CORE, upgradable. Can be uninstall.
-New FlipClock Widget added.
-New TextClock Widget added
-New Mini Email widget.
-Notification widget with Black icons by kalininvs
-Small Contact widget by L0VELAS.
-Translucent Small Calender widget by Novag with orange and white font.
-Latest Nokia Weather Widget v18.01(5). (Few reported problems in Beta labs version, you can always install the leaked one fromhere.)
-Transparent Mechanical Clock widget by Zinox.
-Transparent Digital Clock Widget with White Font added as an extra widget.
-New Notes Widget added.
-Transparent Profile Widget added as an extra widget.
-2 Big Clocks (One default and other one is Plangi BigClock Widget by IND190) + 1 -Mechanical Clock + 1 Medium Clock + 1 Small Clock = 5 Analog Clocks.
-New Gallery Widget from Nokia 808 ported by erorcun (with Semi Transparent Borders from joshlog).
-Most of the widgets are Translucent (Semi-transparent).
-Four page symbol mod. (Your font must have these symbols) (Only for English ROFS2)
-Mod to provide more RAM to most of your apps and improve performance.
-Green Battery indicator by kalininvs
-Camera app process left alone so camera app can be started soon enough.
-New Power Key Menu with Symbols for all options. Mod by 7b - modded for English by me.
-All apps and mods will remain after a hard reset except Quickoffice and Adobe PDF reader as they are in UDA. They can be removed through application manager.
-Phone memory will be shown as Phone memory instead of NC** in your PC when you connect it in USB mode. - Thanks toSurghikov for the trick ;)
-Push to notifications apps will work even after a hard reset.
-Delight Belle Blog's RSS added.
-Phone_as_modem.iso is in E:\system\ drive now so saving 7+mb from your C drive as Delight.iso. Rename any ISO you want to mount on your PC and name it as Delight.iso and put it in E:\System\ then connect your handset in "Use phone as modem" mode and that new ISO will be mounted.
-Set performance and battery usage to medium so it won't be lagging as well as won't consume too much battery result in better battery power management.
-No more unwanted images in Gallery, Wallpaper selection and Gallery Widget walls selection.
-Some default Belle ringtones removed to gain more space. Get them from Downloads section.
-Adobe Reader and Quick office (from original Belle UDA) added and can be removed through application manager.
-Alarm.twk and Sysap.twk along with Tweaks.sis are in E:\Tweaks-Plugins. Install Tweaks and set their options manually. (Tweaks Homepage).
-When you press menu in lock mode and rotate your handset, locked screen will rotate according to that and will stay the same.
-Any profile's name can be edited now.
-All new widgets including few older ones are in C drive now so it's easy to install a new one or change their mif files.
-Auto Lock time set to 2 minutes.
-Read/Write Full access to c:\ drive (instead of just c:\data) from original Belle File manager.
-Disabled the query dialog when you save a site certificate.
-Sms sending retries to unlimited, when the sending got error.
-Allow applications renaming in menu and creating folder under folder.
-Push to Notification files exist even after a hard reset so apps like Nokia drops etc will work even after a hard reset.
-New Fonts with bigger smiley size.
-Jlmvc - Smooth Effects v2.1 + Few default fonts.
-All widgets are free from any instance restriction. i.e. Place any number of the same widget on any home screen or on the same home screen.
-All widgets will be there even after a hard reset.
-GPS location locking is fastest as ever, in my phone within 2 seconds.
-Patched installserver.exe is in C:\sys\bin. So you can remove it too and use Installserver patch from RomPatcher+.
-Keylock Vibration mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Tactile Feedback mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Kinetic Scrolling mod moved to C drive so it can be restored easily. Read FAQ for more info.
-Domainsrv will be there even after a hard reset.
-Restart option with logo.
-Disabled cleaning Log after changing SIM.
-Disabled notification when changing profile from Offline to any.
-Disable notifications about power saving events.
-Power Saving enabled/disabled automatically according to battery power.
-FM Transmitter notification popups disabled.
-Disabled call recording beep by default without Rompatcher patch
-Full access to system folders without RomPatcher by default.
-Switch off and Reboot speed boosted to maximum.
-Removed shutdown animation feature. You [B]can't[/B] return it back.
-Sysap in Portrait mode always.
-New Rompatcher+ Patches.
-Song Metadata editing.
-Alarm Snooze Time 10 minutes.
-Calender Event snooze time 10 minutes.
-Alarm and Calender default tones changed.
-Auto Lock Phone set to 2 Minutes.
-Headset is default now in Accessory settings.
-Display Brightness is 80%.
-Smoothness in Video Rendering increased up to three times.
-RAM and Drive Memory threshold settings Changed.
--Good RAM Threshold - 133 mb. - Set to 110 mb.
--Low threshold for RAM - 100 mb. Set to 80 mb.
--Low threshold of disk space where a warning issued is 95% - Increased to 98%.
--Time interval for which the program should crash increased to double.
--Unlimited Alarm tone time.
--No more snoozed notifications once you select snooze.
--No request windows while using USSD e.g. while checking balance.
--No more 'Done' notification when using USSD.
--New Kinetic Scrolling mod from ancelad for Belle.
--Send "Protected files" from default file browser.
--Turn Off Predictive Text Input by default.
--The rate of 50 frames per second.
--Rendered OpenGL ES2.0.
--Unlimited cache
---Number of sent messages limit increased to 2000.
--Added server for GPS.
--Resume broken downloads in web browser.
--Added User Define Call Image by default while calling in Anna style.
--Improve Call Handset and Loud Speaker Volume.
--New special and unique Delight Belle startup animation.
--No image quality mod.
--Delight C7 as default bluetooth name.
--12 Hours Time format by default instead of 24.
--MheiM Fonts. (If you don't like them then replace them after reading FAQ).
--Added in suffix in browser - for Indian sites.
--Disabled "allow *widget* to access network?" query (always yes).
--Effects folders are moved to C:\data\animations\effects now.
--Better Menu structure - Reorganized.
--Maximum of 10 Homescreens now, I don't think more then that is required.
--Now you can write up to 4590 characters and it'll still be a text message and won't change to Multimedia message. By default the limit is 1530.
--Welcome message disabled.
--No more Ovi activation screen after startup, it’s disabled.
--Change Startup animation & tone location to C:\data\Animations with special and unique --Delight Belle startup animation.
--Video Editor and Photo Editor moved to Rofs from UDA so that they will exist even after a hard reset.
--USB OTG notifications disabled.
--Messaging settings Predefined.
--Character Encoding to Full.
--New messages will open in Inbox directly, not in conversation.
--30+ writing languages added to Writing Languages ROFS3.
--General and Meeting Profiles modded by default.
--General Profile name changed to Delight.
-Beautiful tone.mp3 added as default ringtone for Delight profile.
-C-ute sms.mp3 added as default SMS tone for Delight profile.
-Vibration alert set to on, Ringing volume is default, Keypad tones set to level 1
-Warning tones set to on and Touch Screen Vibration set to level 1.
-Beep Twice.aac added as default tone for Meeting profile.
-Ringing type set to Ringing, Keypad tones disabled, Ringing volume set to level 7
-Vibration alert set to on and Touch screen vibration disabled
-Ability to remove first Home Screen if more than one Home Screen available.
-Call duration on by default.
-Only Messaging and Contacts will remain in memory after exit. (I want them to start fast as well as they start at startup).
-Call summary on by default.
-Equalizer editing mod.
-Removed few processes from startup thus making startup a bit faster as well as save more RAM.
-Fixed GPRS/WiFi information in Logs.
-Auto enable Power saver mode if low battery.
-Auto disable Power saver mode if good battery.
-Alphabetic-numeric keyboard writing delay for writing letters changed from 1s to 0.4s.
-Alphabetic-numeric keyboard delay for writing number changed from 0.6s to 0.2s.
-Log cleaning up after changing SIM card is disabled.
-Display light time out is half an hour now.
-FOTA removed.
-Few applications volume increased to maximum.
-Voice Recorder - Set Recording Quality to High, Duration to 12hours and storage to E -drive.
-Camera tone off option added.
-Browser's cache moved to E:\ and set the amount to 32MB.
-Music Gallery Folders - Music player will only search for files in E:\Music, F:\Music.
-Fast Screen Rotation.
-The FM Transmitter now sends RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia".
-Java Permission Mod (Just change the settings from App Manager and no more annoying -pop ups in Java Apps).
-Custom Logs Age Mod - Mod for changing days for storing logs. Enter your own value now.
-Modded Device Manager info (only Custom firmware areas modified).
-Divert Call Notification disabled.
-Power Saver Activate/Deactivated notifications disabled.
-Notification when switching from offline to active profile disabled.
-"Use Bluetooth in Offline mode?" query disabled.
-"Use Wi-Fi in offline mode?" query disabled.
-Play via radio turned on/off notifications disabled.
-The FM Transmitter now sends RDS "Nokia C7" and not just "Nokia".
-Java Permission Mod (Just change the settings from App Manager and no more annoying pop ups in Java Apps).
-Custom Logs Age Mod - Mod for changing days for storing logs. Enter your own value now. -Modded Device Manager info (only Custom firmware areas modified).
-Tactile Feedback (Phone vibrates once after call connected).
-Divert Call Notification disabled.
-Power Saver Activate/Deactivated notifications disabled.
-Notification when switching from offline to active profile disabled.
-"Use Bluetooth in Offline mode?" query disabled.
-"Use Wi-Fi in offline mode?" query disabled.
-Play via radio turned on/off notifications disabled.Know Bugs
-Text to Speech Reader crashing due to conflict with Microsoft Email app. (Will be fixed in future update.)
-Silent symbol is not there on top bar when phone is in Silent profile. (Couldn't find any compatible sysap mod for C7 that's why.)
-Shutdown Screen will have top and bottom in White color (Problem of Sysap) -After Flashing complete, your phone will restart once showing you different notifications.
-Silent symbol is not there on top bar when phone is in Silent profile. (Couldn't find any compatible sysap mod for C7 that's why.)
-Shutdown Screen will have top and bottom in White color (Problem of Sysap) -After Flashing complete, your phone will restart once showing you different notifications.
----Let it do its work. After restart, you are all set to go...

About translated rofs2
Pre-installed folders are still in English, you must rename them yourselves in your own language.
More info about translated rofs2 will be updated later once they are ready.Installation instructions:
Read my Flashing Tutorial included in the "Needed Files.7z" archive and then flash.

About translated rofs2
Pre-installed folders are still in English, you must rename them yourselves in your own language.
More info about translated rofs2 will be updated later once they are ready.Installation instructions:
Read my Flashing Tutorial included in the "Needed Files.7z" archive and then flash.
Download Delight Bell v5.2
Delight Belle v5.2 Core
Delight Belle v5.2 Rofs2 - English version - FIXED
Delight Belle v5.2 ROFS3
Delight Belle v5.2 UDA
Delight Belle v5.2 other Needed Files
More Writing Languages ROFS3
Writing Languages included

Taylor - For Belle leaks.
Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
CodeRUS - A lots of mods..
Sklchan - Few cenrep mods
the_one.89 - Writing language files
Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
andrenlsbr + BlackDare + djmy19881225 + Jinhao - Theme effects.
witcher3 - Menu organized
Boroda - Widget mods.
hotboy_ist - Big Analog clock widget
freaxs_r_us - Delight Team Member (Translator)
karasss - Widgets Mod.
Peoresnada / kalininvs - Notified Widget.
dude2009 - For resolving F-Secure Antitheft related bug.
iExtraX7 - Several pretty good mods.
xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets.
Lovelas - Widgets and few ported screensaver.
moki - Fixed font problem.
DAEVA112 - Translucent widgets
Novag - Translucent Small Calender widge
Zinox - Widget mod.
Missgestalt - Mount mod.
erorcun for porting 808 gallery widget
joshlog - Transparent gallery widget
Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
7b - More Icons in Power Menu (modded for English by me)
Princess@Sátiro - Mod More Ram for Apps! Special Credit to LPHS - For all the testing so it was possible to make Delight for C7
and everyone who helped me in one way or another..
Delight Belle v5.2 Core
Delight Belle v5.2 Rofs2 - English version - FIXED
Delight Belle v5.2 ROFS3
Delight Belle v5.2 UDA
Delight Belle v5.2 other Needed Files
More Writing Languages ROFS3
Writing Languages included

Taylor - For Belle leaks.
Il.Socio - Rompatcher, Nokia Cooker and a lot more.
CodeRUS - A lots of mods..
Sklchan - Few cenrep mods
the_one.89 - Writing language files
Ancelad - Tactile Feedback and few other mods.
andrenlsbr + BlackDare + djmy19881225 + Jinhao - Theme effects.
witcher3 - Menu organized
Boroda - Widget mods.
hotboy_ist - Big Analog clock widget
freaxs_r_us - Delight Team Member (Translator)
karasss - Widgets Mod.
Peoresnada / kalininvs - Notified Widget.
dude2009 - For resolving F-Secure Antitheft related bug.
iExtraX7 - Several pretty good mods.
xCape - Mod and few tips on widgets.
Lovelas - Widgets and few ported screensaver.
moki - Fixed font problem.
DAEVA112 - Translucent widgets
Novag - Translucent Small Calender widge
Zinox - Widget mod.
Missgestalt - Mount mod.
erorcun for porting 808 gallery widget
joshlog - Transparent gallery widget
Cigiampa/xCape - Script files
7b - More Icons in Power Menu (modded for English by me)
Princess@Sátiro - Mod More Ram for Apps! Special Credit to LPHS - For all the testing so it was possible to make Delight for C7
and everyone who helped me in one way or another..
Thank You... Happy Flashing...
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