Monday, 4 March 2013
Custom Firmware: RM-555|356 Nokia N97 mini| 5800 Balcan CFW
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7:10:00 pm
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
S^1-2-3 CFWs
S60vs-S^1-2-3 CFWs
BalcanCFW: Nokia N97Mini RM-555 (v.130223); Nokia N5800 RM-356 (v.130223)
Nokia N97Mini RM-555 v30 BalcanCFW (v.130223)Model : N97 MINI RM-555
Base Firmware : N97 MINI V30.004
Phone Languages : English (default), Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian
Writing Languages: English (default), Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian

Nokia Pure Font, Beautiful Anna Icons, Belle Ringtones
Belle Browser (with proper rss reader)
File Browser 5.0 (14.05.2011)
Conversation and Emoticons in Messaging
Notification widget
Dolby Surround and 808 Audio Codec
No Camera sounds when Silent profile is used (or Warning Tones are Turned Off in any profile)
4 row virtual Keyboard with English, Cyrillic and Latin virtual key mappings
Nokia navigator theme (default), original theme kep
About 59mb free ram after startup, and 268 mb c drive free.
Some dumb Application removed.
Applications added: RomPatcher+ 3.1, MemCheck,Quick Lock, Phone torch, Auto Installer, KillMe.
Some of Background and startup services disabled
Installed Significant RomPatcher Patches
New light mod for N97V30 by Binh24
Tap to Unlock
Disabled lock/unlock vibration
Contact button changed to Menu
Proper Tactile feedback when call is received
Call settings: Reject call message– no; Show call duration – yes, Summary after call – on, Speed dialing – on, anykey answer –On
Alarm snoose time: 10 minutes, good wakeup sound
Smart Dialing are OFF by default
Improved Heap Size; Improved Rotation; Improved UI Performance; Application Policy Modified; System cache increased; Browser Cache Moved to Drive E:\
Removed FOTA wasted space, Removed Startup Animation and sounds, Stop nokia sms
Added Restart button
Improved WIFI sensitivity
Nokia default file browser can protected items
Sent Items- Set to 999
Messages: "message:" when writing sms removed
Camera Exits RAM After Close; Camera Zoom Fixed
High Quality Voice Recorder
Music Player Reads “E:\Music”
Bluetooth mod for files, Bluetooth name chaged
Send everything from file browser
Shom sistem files via default browser
Credits/Big thanks!:
Writer of Ultimate Tutorial to Create Your Own Custom Firmware
Maker of NFE
AkyAll others modders

RM-555 Links:
Cor, uda: here
old version (ver:130215)
Rofs2: here
current version (ver:130223)
Rofs2: here
Password: BalcanCFW
How to flash RM-555:
After flashing do hard reset of phone: del, space, s.shift, power...
How to update BalcanCFW to new version without loosing data:
If you already flashed phone with BalcanCFW and want to update version and keep your data- use manual flashing method - only core and rofs2 without uda.- there is plenty of tutorials about manualy flashing on dailymobile - if you are still not sure how - ask in thread and I will make one manual for you.
It will probably work, but still it's good idea to make backup of contacts before flashing
1. Can't install some annoying program that say Component Built In Error?
- Apply NoBuiltinError.rmp
2. Software update dosen't work?
- Music update and photo update doesn't work. Other updates work (for Nokia Maps update you need to install QT first). If you want lyrics I suggest you to use ttpod.
Version history
Change log from 130128 to 130203:
- further optimized system speed and stability: starter files, heap size, system caching, speed changed from 75 to 80, gained little more memory at startup.
- updated File Browser to 5.0; added Kill me
- added mod: Improve WIFI sensitivity by alfiemoustache
-fixed virtual keyboard swapеd places between 'š' and 'ž'
- added some bookmarks, changed name for bt, sorted matrixmenu, notification widget looks nicer.
Change log from 130203 to 130215:
- further optimized system stability: messages back in list of application that is not automatically killed.
- removed some not needed files.
Change log from 130215 to 130223:
-press 0 - to activate KillMe (useful for easy killing whatsuup)
-Mailbox back in message meni
-removed charging note
-edited Music menu - ovi music removed, aded ttpod and wiki
Model : N5800 RM-356
Base Firmware : Based on N97 MINI Binh24 clean port for N5800 RM-356
Phone Languages : English, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian
Writing Languages: English, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian
About 59mb free ram after startup, and 78 mb c drive free.
Media bar is disabled!
Credits/Big thanks!:
RM-356 Links:
Cor, uda, etc.: click here
old version (ver:130218)
Rofs2: click here
current version (ver:130223)
Rofs2: click here
Password: BalcanCFW
How to flash RM-356:
How to update BalcanCFW to new version without loosing data:
1. Can't install some annoying program that say Component Built In Error?
2. Software update?
- Fully functional on this port.
3. Is it pefect/best N5800 cfw ever?
- No.
Why bother then?
- This is twinning project
N97mini have clear advantage in camera quality, typing, nand size and N5800 in Sound, video recording, and light weight.
Idea is, if you have both phones as I do - N97-mini to use for applications and taking picutres- high performance; and N5800 for music, and phone calling - low performance best battery life. For GPS I'm not sure which phone is better.
CFW for N-97mini phone is almost perfect. N-5800 CFW is not so perfect
Version history
Change log from 130218 to 130223:
- Max CPU time taken by the alfappserver.exe 70 for N5800 version of CFW. (For N97mini version is 80)
-press 0 - to activate KillMe (useful for easy killing whatsuup)
-Mailbox back in message meni
-removed charging note
-edited Music menu - ovi music removed, aded ttpod and wiki
Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...
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