Saturday, 9 March 2013
Custom Firmware: RM- 356|551|588|559|625|684|504 Nokia 523x|C6|X6 Skyfire Redefined Updated
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5:00:00 pm
Anna-Belle CFWs
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
S60vs-S^1-2-3 CFWs
Nokia 523x/C6/X6 RM-356/551/588/559/625/684/504 SkyFire Redefined On>N97
Summary :This is a New Upgrade To SkyFire Belle CFW which is Now more Better in Performance and Good Looking CFW based On N97v30 (Binh24s Port) Which has All New Features Like QT FIX, No Smart Installer Error, All New Themes, A Closer Look To Belle OS and With Dolby Sound Effect…..
Hope You Will Like The new feature-rich SkyFire!
--Auto RAM Cache Management
--Smooth User Interface & Fast, Quick and Stable performance.
--Rectified Nearly Total Major System files.
--All Drives will load System Cache & With Increased Capacity
--High Frame Rates per Second for Gaming and running Applications Smoothly
--Increased & Stabalised Battery Life [We got 27 Hours when Testing and Heavy Loading!]
--Improved Rotation.
Hope You Will Like The new feature-rich SkyFire!
--Auto RAM Cache Management
--Smooth User Interface & Fast, Quick and Stable performance.
--Rectified Nearly Total Major System files.
--All Drives will load System Cache & With Increased Capacity
--High Frame Rates per Second for Gaming and running Applications Smoothly
--Increased & Stabalised Battery Life [We got 27 Hours when Testing and Heavy Loading!]
--Improved Rotation.
General Modifications:
--Nokia Suite In The USB Mode Instead of Ovi Suite
--No vibration while Locking and Locking using the Side Key.
--Tapping controls Added.
--Java Permissions Fixed.
--Widgets Security is now Disabled.
--Ovi Contacts Completely removed and Disabled.
--Tap to Unlock Added with working Notifications.
--Press and Hold '0' to Launch Killme.
--BT Headset Bug is now Fixed for N97 v30 Ports! [Credits To Devilyazden]
--Nokia Suite In The USB Mode Instead of Ovi Suite
--No vibration while Locking and Locking using the Side Key.
--Tapping controls Added.
--Java Permissions Fixed.
--Widgets Security is now Disabled.
--Ovi Contacts Completely removed and Disabled.
--Tap to Unlock Added with working Notifications.
--Press and Hold '0' to Launch Killme.
--BT Headset Bug is now Fixed for N97 v30 Ports! [Credits To Devilyazden]

SkyFire Supports Following RMs :
RM-356 |RM-551|RM-559|RM-588|RM-625|RM-684|RM-504|RM-612|RM-624|
--5 Different Theme Effects Added in ChangeFX For Easy Use
--Multi language fix [Use SkyFire in your language—Credits To Aeronliru].
--Swipe Homescreen to get all widgets cleared.
--Message tone 4 selected as default.
--Theme Effects are ON by default.
--Rotation is ON.
--General profile renamed to 'SkyFire'.[As CFW Signature]
Internet and Browsing:
--[Exclusive] New Latest SkyFire Browser
--Browser Cache size increased to 32 MB.
--Browser Cache Drive changed to E:\ .
--Bookmarks edited.
--Belle MatrixMenu (No More Folders Now!)
--MenuSwup Added [Choose ur Own Grid Menu]
--Themes and Profile now show in the menu.
--Extended Menu mod added.
--Center text added(For Non-Belle)
--2x6 Symbian 3 Layout in Landscape.
--Options Menu pops up everytime Headset/Headphone is connected [Credits To djraz].
--No Scroll Bar mod>> Thanks to: Drakulaboy.
--Custom Boot/Shutdown animation locations -
--Transparent Shortcuts Bar[No Transparent Themes Req.]
--Custom Splashscreen Mod Added [Use Your Own Splash]
--Custom Menu Busy Circle [Gridroot].
--Elegant Theme Effects [Fast and Good-looking!] (Credits To Gagan)
--Colourful Anna Icons [Exclusive]>> Thanks to: Binh24
--Belle NaviBar Fixed With Symbols! [Exclusive]>> Thanks to: n0tr3v3
--New Smilies in Messaging.
Media and Music:
--Music Player Harvesting Speed Optimized
--Nokia 808 Pure Audio Codecs Added [Exclusive]
--Dolby Sound Effect [Exclusive]
--Symbian Belle Equalizer
--4 more equalisers added to Music Player.
--Radio RDS fixed. Listen to your local Radio.
--Music Player reads only E:\Music Folder,So, Move all your Music to E:\Music folder.
--RealPlayer Added to Videos & TV menu [Videos HS] [Exclusive]
--Mpeg Codecs added! [Exclusive]
--TTPod Latest Version Added.
--Gallery contains Delete Button in Place of Share Online.
--Gallery speed mod [Load Galleries faster]. [Exclusive]
--Gallery won't search "Distro" and "Wallpapers" Folders
--Photos App 1.0.1 by RKY added.
--More pages of characters in the Symbols page. Press star in messaging to see.
--Smilies changed! Check the screenshots.
--Smiley size increased!
--Removed Messaging lag completely!
--Conversations app added to Messaging.
--Added Conversation to Messaging
--Font Changer App Added-Now Change Your Fonts As Per Your Choice
--Nokia Pure Bold fonts by n0tr3v3 (Default)
--Smiley Size highly Increased.
--Auto Rotate Keyboard [Alphanumeric to Qwerty]
--C5-03 Qwerty icons Added.
--Alphanumeric Keyboard Layout Changed>> Thanks to: Dan-Av and New-Cooller.
--N8 Qwerty Layout>>Thanks to: Dan-Av and New-Cooller.
--3 Row Qwerty Keyboard Layout [Numbers to the top].
Date and Time:
--Analogue Clock set as default.
--Clock is now 12 Hour format.
--Date is DD-MM-YYYY format.
--Belle Clock in 2 Varients Added....
Lights and Keyguard:
--Light mods v3 by mara- and binh24 Fixed
--Key Lights normal behaviour by Dan-av
--Light settings configured as:
>> 15 seconds - Lights will dim.
>>25 seconds - Lights out.
>>15 seconds - Lock! [Keyguard].
--Lights when wired Headset/Headphone is connected. [Screen will Light up].
--Breathing light on by default.
--Auto-Keyguard adjustment option added to Settings.
Changes in N97 Port:
--Notification Pop-ups Disabled
--Calling UI and Ringing Tone Fixed.
--Topbar Optimized With Exceptions
--Rearranged the Menu in Belle Style
--Fixed all N97 Light bugs
--DzMusic Keys Button Fix
--BT Headset Bug Fixed!! [ThX To Devilyazden]
Exclusive & New Attractions
--Belle Version With 4 Different Soft Keys
--Belle TOP BAR Set as Default
--Dolby Effects MOD [Exclusive]
--5 Different Effects PKG Added To ChangeFX
--All Drives(C|D|E|F|Z) Are Shown in Default File Manager
--QT Fixed—Just Install QT Perfect From Downloads(Not Integrated In ROFS2 Nor UDA)
--Nokia 808 Pure View Codecs Added
--New Options In Left Side Option Softkeys (For NON-Belle)
--Belle Clock Added In UDA(Not In Startup)
--Font Changer App Added-Now Change Fonts Within Phone [Exclusive]
--ThemeFX Changer-Change Theme Effects in just 3 Clicks [Exclusive]
--Belle Music Player(Graphics) [Exclusive]
--Call Vibration & Swiping Improved (Now No Stopping Of Ringtone )
Apps Added
--Autoinstaller [PNHT]
--RomPatcher+ v3.1
--DM to .SIS Converter
--Installserver patch v1.4 by Vova1989
Apps Removed
--My Nokia
--Phone Switch (In Newer RMs)
--Message Reader(We have Better Alternate than This)
--Voice Commands
--OVI Contacts
--Ovi sync
--Search + Podcasting
--BT Switch+BT Receiver
Team:Shivam94,lrajesh555,divyam2011rocks,edios,NiharG,Chris_marsh,Topaz,Devilyazdan,ankursmooth,1011054v,CrackUC,navratn123,aneeshd16,& Pavan061994(Team Phoe^niX Leader & SkyFire Belle Creator)
Beta-Testing Team:ankursmooth,,Edios,Poran,bilal_liberty,roshand1,Shivam94,NiharG,
eminem2,Nokia5235,& ampugemo
Special Thanks to:
Binh24 For His Latest N97 Port,ToPaz (Extreme Modder),Aeronliru (QWERTY Fix), Die2mrw007 (Our Inspiration),(All Gizmolord Members),Apex666(Best Modder Ever),
(All Daily Mobiles Members),Drakulaboy (Awsome Modder),DJRaz (Exclusive Creativity Modder),Amarjit(Pro MOD Who Edited Our Thread Neatly)
--5 Different Theme Effects Added in ChangeFX For Easy Use
--Multi language fix [Use SkyFire in your language—Credits To Aeronliru].
--Swipe Homescreen to get all widgets cleared.
--Message tone 4 selected as default.
--Theme Effects are ON by default.
--Rotation is ON.
--General profile renamed to 'SkyFire'.[As CFW Signature]
Internet and Browsing:
--[Exclusive] New Latest SkyFire Browser
--Browser Cache size increased to 32 MB.
--Browser Cache Drive changed to E:\ .
--Bookmarks edited.
--Belle MatrixMenu (No More Folders Now!)
--MenuSwup Added [Choose ur Own Grid Menu]
--Themes and Profile now show in the menu.
--Extended Menu mod added.
--Center text added(For Non-Belle)
--2x6 Symbian 3 Layout in Landscape.
--Options Menu pops up everytime Headset/Headphone is connected [Credits To djraz].
--No Scroll Bar mod>> Thanks to: Drakulaboy.
--Custom Boot/Shutdown animation locations -
--Transparent Shortcuts Bar[No Transparent Themes Req.]
--Custom Splashscreen Mod Added [Use Your Own Splash]
--Custom Menu Busy Circle [Gridroot].
--Elegant Theme Effects [Fast and Good-looking!] (Credits To Gagan)
--Colourful Anna Icons [Exclusive]>> Thanks to: Binh24
--Belle NaviBar Fixed With Symbols! [Exclusive]>> Thanks to: n0tr3v3
--New Smilies in Messaging.
Media and Music:
--Music Player Harvesting Speed Optimized
--Nokia 808 Pure Audio Codecs Added [Exclusive]
--Dolby Sound Effect [Exclusive]
--Symbian Belle Equalizer
--4 more equalisers added to Music Player.
--Radio RDS fixed. Listen to your local Radio.
--Music Player reads only E:\Music Folder,So, Move all your Music to E:\Music folder.
--RealPlayer Added to Videos & TV menu [Videos HS] [Exclusive]
--Mpeg Codecs added! [Exclusive]
--TTPod Latest Version Added.
--Gallery contains Delete Button in Place of Share Online.
--Gallery speed mod [Load Galleries faster]. [Exclusive]
--Gallery won't search "Distro" and "Wallpapers" Folders
--Photos App 1.0.1 by RKY added.
--More pages of characters in the Symbols page. Press star in messaging to see.
--Smilies changed! Check the screenshots.
--Smiley size increased!
--Removed Messaging lag completely!
--Conversations app added to Messaging.
--Added Conversation to Messaging
--Font Changer App Added-Now Change Your Fonts As Per Your Choice
--Nokia Pure Bold fonts by n0tr3v3 (Default)
--Smiley Size highly Increased.
--Auto Rotate Keyboard [Alphanumeric to Qwerty]
--C5-03 Qwerty icons Added.
--Alphanumeric Keyboard Layout Changed>> Thanks to: Dan-Av and New-Cooller.
--N8 Qwerty Layout>>Thanks to: Dan-Av and New-Cooller.
--3 Row Qwerty Keyboard Layout [Numbers to the top].
Date and Time:
--Analogue Clock set as default.
--Clock is now 12 Hour format.
--Date is DD-MM-YYYY format.
--Belle Clock in 2 Varients Added....
Lights and Keyguard:
--Light mods v3 by mara- and binh24 Fixed
--Key Lights normal behaviour by Dan-av
--Light settings configured as:
>> 15 seconds - Lights will dim.
>>25 seconds - Lights out.
>>15 seconds - Lock! [Keyguard].
--Lights when wired Headset/Headphone is connected. [Screen will Light up].
--Breathing light on by default.
--Auto-Keyguard adjustment option added to Settings.
Changes in N97 Port:
--Notification Pop-ups Disabled
--Calling UI and Ringing Tone Fixed.
--Topbar Optimized With Exceptions
--Rearranged the Menu in Belle Style
--Fixed all N97 Light bugs
--DzMusic Keys Button Fix
--BT Headset Bug Fixed!! [ThX To Devilyazden]
Exclusive & New Attractions
--Belle Version With 4 Different Soft Keys
--Belle TOP BAR Set as Default
--Dolby Effects MOD [Exclusive]
--5 Different Effects PKG Added To ChangeFX
--All Drives(C|D|E|F|Z) Are Shown in Default File Manager
--QT Fixed—Just Install QT Perfect From Downloads(Not Integrated In ROFS2 Nor UDA)
--Nokia 808 Pure View Codecs Added
--New Options In Left Side Option Softkeys (For NON-Belle)
--Belle Clock Added In UDA(Not In Startup)
--Font Changer App Added-Now Change Fonts Within Phone [Exclusive]
--ThemeFX Changer-Change Theme Effects in just 3 Clicks [Exclusive]
--Belle Music Player(Graphics) [Exclusive]
--Call Vibration & Swiping Improved (Now No Stopping Of Ringtone )
Apps Added
--Autoinstaller [PNHT]
--RomPatcher+ v3.1
--DM to .SIS Converter
--Installserver patch v1.4 by Vova1989
Apps Removed
--My Nokia
--Phone Switch (In Newer RMs)
--Message Reader(We have Better Alternate than This)
--Voice Commands
--OVI Contacts
--Ovi sync
--Search + Podcasting
--BT Switch+BT Receiver
Team:Shivam94,lrajesh555,divyam2011rocks,edios,NiharG,Chris_marsh,Topaz,Devilyazdan,ankursmooth,1011054v,CrackUC,navratn123,aneeshd16,& Pavan061994(Team Phoe^niX Leader & SkyFire Belle Creator)
Beta-Testing Team:ankursmooth,,Edios,Poran,bilal_liberty,roshand1,Shivam94,NiharG,
eminem2,Nokia5235,& ampugemo
Special Thanks to:
Binh24 For His Latest N97 Port,ToPaz (Extreme Modder),Aeronliru (QWERTY Fix), Die2mrw007 (Our Inspiration),(All Gizmolord Members),Apex666(Best Modder Ever),
(All Daily Mobiles Members),Drakulaboy (Awsome Modder),DJRaz (Exclusive Creativity Modder),Amarjit(Pro MOD Who Edited Our Thread Neatly)
click here to download
Alternate Links:
Belle Rofs2:
Non-Belle Rofs2 Links:
UDA Belle Links:
UDA Non-Belle Links:
Skyfire Extra Links:
Skyfire Extra Mods:
Skyfire General Downloads:
Skyfire Redefined Exclusive Themes:
Follow These Steps to get a neat And bugless CFW
--Use of Proper Core|ROFS2|ROFS3|UDA is mandatory. (ROFS3 Included for only RM-356 & RM-555)
-- U may have to Rename your ROFS2 according to Core.....
--Use Core File From “Core” Folder & ROFS2 from “ROFS2 and UDA From “UDA"Folder Only
--In Belle Varient,Some OK are not Symbolised,So Use This To Patch The ROFS2 (Credits To ToPaz)
--Hard Reset Your Phone Before Flash By *#7370#
--Delete “ Boot|Private|SYS|System|Resource” From MMC /Mass Storage Before Flash
--Don’t Tick Factory Reset in JAF Or Phoenix & Don’t Do Hard Reset After Flashing.
--For any problems or assistance, kindly report in the thread.
--Check the 'After Flashing' Instructions below to ensure no bugs whatsoever.
--If your confused on which Varient to choose, we recommend you go for the N97 port, Non-Belle bar variant; If you are a newbie. Or ask in the thread.
For all those who have problem with the 'X' mark, kindly read the FAQ.
Non-Belle version not posted for your RM Type? Use Use This and copy everything to rofs2 and flash. This should remove the Belle Symbols. Credits to Droidz for posting!
This is Update to SkyFire With Latest Bug Fixes and New Modifications :

Instructions :
>>Download SFR Update from Given Below Link>>Get Respective Files = Belle Or Non-Belle
>>Open Your ROFS2 With the help of NFE 0.3 or Cooker... (We Recommend NFE 0.3)
>>Put the Files in ROFS2 From Respective Folder [Belle OR Non-Belle]
>>Put any other MOD from Post if any Like Light Bug....[Optional]
>>Flash With CORE and Rebuilt or Repacked ROFS2.
If u getting "Generated image size is greater than partition size. Don't flash it to phone!" Then :
>> Remove Useless apps From CFW by Using Nokia FW Cleaner
>>Delete Walls From Data\Skyfire or Wallpapers From ROFS2
>>Also U may Delete Some Apps From Data\ AIC Or AI Folders From ROFS2
Short Video Tutorial For Updating Process- Credits to Navratn123:
Links For SFR Update v 0.1
RM-625 Bug Light Fixes [Optional]
Changelog in SFR Update
--Use of Proper Core|ROFS2|ROFS3|UDA is mandatory. (ROFS3 Included for only RM-356 & RM-555)
-- U may have to Rename your ROFS2 according to Core.....
--Use Core File From “Core” Folder & ROFS2 from “ROFS2 and UDA From “UDA"Folder Only
--In Belle Varient,Some OK are not Symbolised,So Use This To Patch The ROFS2 (Credits To ToPaz)
--Hard Reset Your Phone Before Flash By *#7370#
--Delete “ Boot|Private|SYS|System|Resource” From MMC /Mass Storage Before Flash
--Don’t Tick Factory Reset in JAF Or Phoenix & Don’t Do Hard Reset After Flashing.
--For any problems or assistance, kindly report in the thread.
--Check the 'After Flashing' Instructions below to ensure no bugs whatsoever.
--If your confused on which Varient to choose, we recommend you go for the N97 port, Non-Belle bar variant; If you are a newbie. Or ask in the thread.
For all those who have problem with the 'X' mark, kindly read the FAQ.
Non-Belle version not posted for your RM Type? Use Use This and copy everything to rofs2 and flash. This should remove the Belle Symbols. Credits to Droidz for posting!
This is Update to SkyFire With Latest Bug Fixes and New Modifications :

Instructions :
>>Download SFR Update from Given Below Link>>Get Respective Files = Belle Or Non-Belle
>>Open Your ROFS2 With the help of NFE 0.3 or Cooker... (We Recommend NFE 0.3)
>>Put the Files in ROFS2 From Respective Folder [Belle OR Non-Belle]
>>Put any other MOD from Post if any Like Light Bug....[Optional]
>>Flash With CORE and Rebuilt or Repacked ROFS2.
If u getting "Generated image size is greater than partition size. Don't flash it to phone!" Then :
>> Remove Useless apps From CFW by Using Nokia FW Cleaner
>>Delete Walls From Data\Skyfire or Wallpapers From ROFS2
>>Also U may Delete Some Apps From Data\ AIC Or AI Folders From ROFS2
Short Video Tutorial For Updating Process- Credits to Navratn123:
Links For SFR Update v 0.1
RM-625 Bug Light Fixes [Optional]
Changelog in SFR Update
Thank You... Happy Flashing...
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Post Comments
wat abt other files like dcp,vpl n bin??
ReplyDeleteYou will need the OFW files from Navifirm first. Copy them all to default folder in C drive.
DeleteThen in phoenix in Firmware Update, In options, you can replace the main files. Thats where you need to replace them with the CFW files. Got it???
plz give me the link to download ofw...
ReplyDeleteIts easy. Download a small app Navifirm here:
Then open it type your RM-XXX, select the version and variant. Than Download. Its easy. Try it. If u cant, I will provide direct links.
that means we hv to download original fw n patch these files on them..right?
Deletecan u do tht for me and give me links..plz...
ReplyDeleteIts easy dude... I already gave you the Navifirm link. Download that small app and you can download any version of your original firmware through that. Cant you do it??
DeleteWhich RM-XXX do you want???
DeleteRm - 356 60.0.003...
ReplyDeletei have my original fw i dont knw how to patch...tried it bt it didnt if you can patch it for me and then give direct link to download it plz.....
ReplyDeleteThats not how it works.
DeleteFirst u have to copy all your OFW files in this folder: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-XXX
Then keep your CFW files ie. mainly core,rofs2,rofs3(if any),uda somewhere else.
Then open phoenix. Do not connect your phone now.
Select No Connection. File>Open Product>RM-XXX
Then select Flashing>Firmware Update
Then set your product code from options(this is of the OFW in c drive)
Tick Dead phone USB Flashing.
---You should not connect the phone yet---
Now click options.
Delete .fpsx memory card content.
Edit core,rofs2,uda and replace with those in CFW files.
If rofs3 was provided in CFW edit original rofs3 and use the one from CFW.
Or delete rofs 3.
Now click OK and then Refurbish.
When a window appears asking to connect USB cable, click OK and then connect your phone in switched off mode.
This is where you connects your phone. Dont connect it any time before in the process.
Let the process finish. and your phone is now refurbished...
is this works with Nokia N97 RM-505 ??? and if yes which file should i Download ? please help me out ?
ReplyDeleteSorry, Its not available for RM- 505.