Monday, 17 December 2012

Custom Firmware: RM- 356 Nokia 5800 v60 Xperience v5 by FurCom

Nokia 5800 v60 | C6-00 v41 | RM-356 ONLY! | Xperience v5 | by FuRCoM | [!FIXED!]

This is a CFW wich looks like original Firmware but feels like a CFW, because i haven't added any Custom Splash-/Shutdown screen, Cutom themes, etc... This CFW is fully modded, fast, stable and with lot of new functions and extras !!! I hope you'll like it and have fun with it 

And it is bugless !!!! 

Screenshots: (NEW !!!)

Click on the image to open Album


- Supported phones: Nokia 5800 (RM-356) only !!!
- Languages: English and German (you can add other languages, too)
- Based on: Core based on Nokia 5800 v60.0.003 and rofs2 based on Nokia C6-00 v41.0.10
- Free phone memory: ~ 80,4 MB
- Free RAM: 55 ~ 60+ MB
- There are three versions of this CFW: with default C6 icons, with N8 icons and ANNA icons


Personalisation and Visual Mods:

- 3x5 menu (you can add 4x5)
- "Show Apps" removes in Menu -> Options
- Custom Theme Effects with Lightning Fast Rotation and Apps will open very very fast !!!
- Themes: Fuchsia Pink, Petrol Blue, default C6 themes (Nokia Theme White, Dark, Light) and the theme of Nokia N97 mini Brown
- SoundWave Theme has been removed
- Added Nokia N8 icons (credits: Me [FuRCoM], ferhattunch, binh24 and b4byhuey )
- Now you can add 5 Shortcut Widgets in HS
- Swipe to unlock can go landscape
- Swipe to Unlock Mod(mixed N8 and C6 style. looks awesome )
- DzMusicKey and MusicStopper added in Music Apps Homescreen
- Added Nokia N8 Fonts

Applications added:

- RomPatcher+ 2.6
- All Rom Patcher's Patches added. After flashing you can find them in E:\patches\
- Vivaz Conversations
- ThinkChange AutoInstaller
- latest ovi Maps (v3.06 10wk50 b03). The folder "cities" will be copied to MMC (E:\) automatically
- DzMusicKey v2 (all keys are working)
- MusicStopper (sleep timer)
- Musicplayer v15.2 with lyrics funtion

Applications removed:

- Quick Office
- Adobe PDF Reader
- Ovi Contacts


- Voice recorder set to High-Quality
- Music Player search in E:\Musics\ only
- E:\Musics\ folder will be created automatically
- Camera Image improved (camera mod by lilianguntary)
- Gallery has been improved (very fast Gallery. Gallery only searches in E:\Images and E:\Videos)
- Nokia 5800 Stereo Audio Codecs (for the best surround quality)
- Now voice recorder can recors up to 12 hours
- Ovi Music removed in Music Apps Homescreen
- Video Capture framerate improved
- If you set camera tone to "Camera Tone 4" then your camera will be silent wile capturing images
- Added Musicplayer v15.2 with lyrics funtion

Messaging and Calling:

- You're able to save 999 sent SMS
- Delivery reports are ON by default
- Message Reader fixed
- Added Multi-Language by PNHT
- Phone will not go to landscape view while calling
- Show call duration is ON by default
- Summary after calling ON by default

Internet and Connection:

- Downloads will continue, if phone accidentaly turns off
- Internet Browser Cache increased to 20MB and moved to MMC (E:\)
- Mobile Web Browser will detect phone as Nokia N97 mini
- WiFi sensitivity increase
- FOTA reserved space romoved to get 5 MB more space in phone memory (C:\)
- USB connection will be named Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- PC Suite will detect phone as Nokia 5800 XpressMusic
- Default Bluetooth name changed to "Xperience v2 by FuRCoM"

System performance and physical mods:

- Camera will close fuly and wil not eat RAm after exit
- Messaging, Contacts, Logs, Calendar, and Clock will not run in background
- Default UI frames per second set to 33fps
- CPU set to 80% for UI, will save battery
- Smooth Kinetic-Scrolling of Nokia N8
- System heap size doubled
- Application close and open delay decreased
- Removed apps wich will open on phones startup
- Tapping Control added and set to On by default
- Added DzMusicKey by Me (this mod will make DzMusicKey work together with mara-'s light mod)
- You're able to send every file (.sis, .sisx, .wgz, .jar, etc...) with file-manager
- "Lock display and keys" when you press power button has been changed to "Restart" and phone will restart when you press "Restart"
- Display auto rotation has been set to ON by default

Fixed Bugs:

- Removed green light while charging
- All lights has been fixed (light mod by mara-)
- Added DzMusicKey Fix (credits: me [FuRCoM])
- "Camera already in use !" bug hase been removed fully
- TV-Out
- Mediabar
- Radio RDS
- Keyboard turns automatically from alphanumeric to full QWERTY on landscape view !!!

Changelog Xperience v5

~ Phone boots much faster
~ less apps running in background (more free RAM)
~ AccelSwitch (enable/disable screen rotation), BTSwitch (enable/disable by one time pressing on icon AND added in dialer. press and hold "0" will enable/disable Bluetooth), MenuSwitch (you can switch between 4x4 and 3x4 menu grid by one time pressing on icon) and PhoneRotate (pressing one time on icon will rotate screen) are integrated in CFW
~ Fixed Theme bugs
~ Now you can modify right softkey in HS (in HS go to options then Right Softkey. now you can add every app you want on Right Softkey in HS)
~ removed "Message:" in keyboard when writing SMS
~ improved UI acceleration. phone is reacting now much faster
~ rotation speed improved. now you have not to wait until screen rotates when rotating phone. screen rotates now very fast.
~ added Symbian Belle dialer icon
~ new Symbian Anna icons with lot of extras
~ lot of icon bug fixes
~ raised up key preview in QWERTZ/QWERTY keyboard
~ improved typing speed in alphanumeric keyboard. now you can type faster
~ 6 pages symbol support
~ Symbian^Belle Navibar
~ Fixed "Advanced VoIP Settings
~ and much more

the most important improvment in v5 is the speed !
you will love the speeed

VERY IMPORTANT: Wait for 2 mins after first boot because AutoInstaller will install some apps in backgroung !!!!


PW for all files: FuRCoM or a1b2c3d4e5f6g7h8i9

Xperience v5 with ANNA Icons:

>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

Xperience v5 with N8 Icons:

>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

Xperience v5 with C6 Icons:

>>> DOWNLOAD <<<

Ovi Maps v3.06(637): > Download <

Modded Apps for CFW:

# Nokia Betalabs Notification Widget (with N8 icons): > Download <
# Nokia Betalabs Photo Browser (with N8 icons): > Download <
# Qt installer by FuRCoM: > Download <

Repacked C6 Themes:

# Xperience v3 Theme:
# Petrol Blue:
# Fuchsia Pink: Download
# Dark: Download
# Light: Download

Remember that installing CFW's can brick your phone if you don't understand the process of doing it so use them at your OWN RISK ! ! !


Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...

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