Sunday, 14 October 2012
Custom Firmware: RM- 596 Nokia N8- Xtension Belle 1.1
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6:30:00 am
Anna-Belle CFWs
Custom FirmWares
Flashing and Modding
S^1-2-3 CFWs
Nokia N8 - RM-596 - Xtension Belle 1.1
I am sure many of you have tried out Xtension CFWs that were available for S60v5 models (specially Nokia 5800)
This is my next release of Xtension which is for Symbian^3 (Symbian Belle, RM-596, Nokia N8)
Xtension Belle - Simplicity Matters
A firmware designed to be simple. Open source. All modifications on just a 4.07 MB rofs3 file. UDA is absolutely not required.
A firmware designed to be powerful. All possible modifications to increase performance and mods are added along with important
customizations. I have removed any mod that causes lag or slowdowns. Try it. have a look.
Beta 1.1
1. Minimum graphical changes added.
2. Total performance boost with all *important mods required for day to day functioning.
3. Minimum number of apps added
4. UDA is not provided. Use default UDA
5. Applications like "Nokia Social" , "Ovi Store" ,"Maps" are untouched as these apps keep getting updated by NokiaBetaLabs and
putting those in Z might lead to "update failure" when new versions are released.
6. UDA will be provided in official release with some necessary changes
7. 0% dependent on UDA. All settings will remain even after hard reset (except apps present on the default UDA)
Important Modifications:
1. Message Delivery Reports: ON
2. Voice Rec Quality Improved
3. 12Hrs Max recording in Voice Rec
4. Resume downloads after system restart
5. Default tones changed
6. Show Call duration: ON
7. Autolock Time set to 120 min
8. Confirm Operator Operations: ON
9. Browser Cache to E (16MB)
10. Camera sounds off when "Camera 1" sound selected
11. Summay after call: ON
12. Pop up menu setting changed (Reduced time delay)
13. Light sensor disabled
14. BT On in offline mode
15. FM transmitter RDS set to NokiaN8
16. Music search: "E:\Music , F:\Music"
17. Autostart fixed for useless processes
18. 1 Homescreen after flash with custom wallpaper
19. Xtreme Belle menu Mod added and revised
20. New Startup screen and sounds added
21. You can change them any time here: "E:\Data\Xtension\"
22. Long press "0" to launch Killme
23. Vibration in keylock: OFF
24. Tactical feedback in calls
25. Tactical Feedback fixed
26. Working Java permissions mod added to rofs*
27. Unlimited HS can me added and any HS can be deleted.
28. Auto Rotation of Splashscreen and shutdown screen: OFF
29. Custom effects added with boosted manifest (after flash turn effects OFF then ON)
30. UI acceleration settings revised
31. DomainServ mod will not be added (c2z4bin) as I have found it to considerably slow down the phone.**
32. Full character support in texts
33. Time Format is 24 Hrs. (as it looks standard)
34. Nokia's default font used as most of other fonts have bug or may be it's Belle UI's bug.
35. Default theme used (though Xtension theme will be added to official release)
36. Many settings of Sytem applications pre-defined for proper functioning.
37. Java Permissions Mod added. Now you can select "Always Allowed" for any parameter in Settings>SuiteSettings for any java app.
(many more modifications are done which you will know during use.)**
Applications added to Z:
1. Killme
2. Memcheck
3. Rompatcher (with autostart)
1st Boot Operations:
Auto delete of:
Patches folder auto added to E:\ with working patches
Patch "Open4all" applied at startup
Folders created: E:\Music , F:\Music (put your songs here)
Also Xplore 1.53 Anna style setup will be copied to E:\data\xtension
RomPatcher Patches:
(all patches are deployed on E:\patches\ directory)
1. Open4all (preapplied and added to autostart)**
2. c2z4bin (reqd for domainsrv mod)
3. BlockGPRS.rmp
4. Bluetooth Locker.rmp
5. CRepository4all.rmp
6. Install Server RP+.rmp (if ypu get cert error while installing, apply this)**
7. ReadCRoot.rmp
8. RemoveHashCheck.rmp
9. RemoveRecTone.rmp
Xtension has it's own 1st time boot configured settings.
When the device will startup after flash**
Do not press any key until you get this message "Xtension flashed successfully" although in the mean time you can log-in to your
Nokia account and then set the date and time which will pop up during first boot.
In Belle, java is broken which will be automatically fixed.
Romaptcher Patches will be applied automatically.
Even the system folders such as "system" , "sys" , "resource" , private" will be cleared from E:\ and F:\ on 1st boot
After getting the message "Please restart your device" , restart your device once and you are done.

Follow all the instructions properly for a perfect bug-free installation of Xtension
Flashing Instructions:
1. This is just a beta. (ver 1.1) so there maybe some flaws
2. Though the system folders will be auto erased, its better to delete them manually before flash by connecting in "Mass Storage"
mode via USB. Delete "sys" , "system" , "resource" , "private" from E:\ and F:\
3. Use original Belle files here: Download
4. Use "core" , "rofs2" , "UDA" from original belle files (remember the second leaked one)
5. Just use the "rofs3" provided.
6. Rename the rofs3 if necessary to match your file name
For advanced users only | This is a beta release | Version 1.1
Download: Xtension Belle beta 1.1 - (4.07 MB)
Original Belle files (2nd leak) : Download -
**Just replace my the rofs3 of your Belle (RM-596) folder with mine and done. and for those who don't have belle files, I have
given the download link above.
I have not written anout all changes above. Only the important modifications have been said about.
I would like to hear from you, how the cfw is performing on your device.
I am actually having less time so can work only in short spans over this CFW.
Do reply. let me know if there are any bugs or broken functions.
All your suggestions are welcome. Hopefully I will release the Final version soon.
Thank You Guys... Happy Flashing...
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